Naša dvojčka sta verjetno že v Ameriki. Mi pa seveda upamo,da niso Billa na tamkajšnjem letališču tudi tokrat povprašali,če je nekoliko zamešal datume in prehitro praznuje noč čarovnic.
Feel it all | censored version
"This video is basically a dream project for Bill, dedicated to his favorite movie "Kids". Bill: "I was always fascinated by "Kids", same as "Chri…Read More
FIA PART 1 | Full concert videos
Watch full Feel it all part 1 concert from London, Brussels, Milan and Vienna!
London 06.03.2015
Brussels 12.03.2015
Milan 17.03.2015 &…Read More
Tokio Hotel won MMM again!
Tokio Hotel takes down 30STM to become the champs of MTV'S musical March madness 2015! Twice is just as nice…just ask Tokio Hotel. In a …Read More
Buy Feel it all EP!
Tokio Hotel - Feel it all EP (extended play)
>>> "Feel It All" is the second single from Tokio Hotel's fifth studio album Kings…Read More
#TokioHotelTV ep. 10 | Work bitch
"In the new episode of #TokiohotelTV you can get an insight in what happens behind the scenes and you'll meet some of the amazing crew …Read More
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