CMA Wild & Young Awards 2010
Prvi del glasovanja za CMA Wild & Young Awards 2010 je končan in drugi del se začne danes! Za svoje favorite lahko glasujete do osemindvajsetega novembra, Glasovati je možno enkrat dnevno. Tokio Hotel so nominirani v kategoriji "Best Single National" z "World Behind My Wall"! Zmagovalci bodo znani n CMA-Awards dvanajstega decembra ob 8.30.
The first part of the voting for the CMA Wild & Young Awards 2010 is over and the second part starts today! You can vote for your favorites until November 28th, it's possible to vote once a day. Tokio Hotel are nominated in the category "Best Single National" with "World Behind My Wall"! They will announce the winners of the CMA-Awards on December 12th at 8.30 PM!
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