ponedeljek, 13. december 2010

CMA Wild & Young Award 2010 [Germany]

Zopet nam je uspelo !!!

Kot veste so bili Tokio hotel za CMA Wild & Young Award 2010 nominirani v kategorijah "Best Band National" in "Best Single National". Zmagali so v obeh kategorijah za "Best Band National" z 36% in "Best Single National" z 51%.

Tokio Hotel were nominated in the categories "Best Band National" and "Best Single National"
They won in the category "Best Band National" with 36%! And they're also the winner with "World Behind My Wall" in the category "Best Single National" with 57%!

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Welcome to official Tokio Hotel fanclub Slovenia!

Welcome to official Tokio Hotel fanclub Slovenia!

Upcoming events

3/11/17 - 16/11/17
Dream Machine tour - Encore Europe

2/2/18 - 3/3/18
Dream Machine tour - North America

By Tokio Hotel Slovenia. Zagotavlja Blogger.