ponedeljek, 20. december 2010

Stars help children

Začni pomagati otrokom!

To je ime dobrodelne organizacije od "IN - Das Star & Style Magazin" - Nemške revije. Zaslužek od dražbe bo poslan organizaciji za otroke..

Zvezde bodo podarile svoja oblačila ali druge stvari,ki jih boste lahko dobili na dražbi.

Prav tako pa pri tem sodeluje tudi Tom Kaulitz!
Tom je podpisal tri Reebok čevlje,ki jih lahko sedaj dobite na ebayu.

Tukaj lahko vidite tri izmed teh čevljev - in pod sličico boste našli povezavo do strani dražbe.

Torej,če ste zainterisirani za čevlje,ki jih je podpisal Tom in prav tako želite pomagati otrokom,ki trpijo - Ponudite ceno za enega izmed teh čevljev. Veliko sreče!

Stars help children

This is the name of the charity-auction by the "IN - Das Star & Style Magazin" - a German magazine. The earnings of the auction will be sent to a aid organisation for children.
The stars give cloths, accessories or other goods, which will be auctioned. 

Tom Kaulitz participates in this auction as well.
Tom signed three Reebok-shoes, which are auctioned at ebay right now. 

Here you can see the three different shoes - beneath the pics you find the links for the auctions.
So, if you are interested in shoes signed by Tom and you also want to help children, who suffer - bid for one of the shoes. Good luck!

"Top Down" - Magic Purple                         "Reefunk" - Space Grey                              "Top Down" - Track Grey

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