sreda, 1. december 2010

Tokio Hotel Dance Crew

Ena izmed Tokio Hotel fanic se je domislila ustanoviti plesno skupino,ki bi seveda plesala na Tokio Hotel pesmi. V njenem načrtu je posneti video in ga poslati članom banda. Upa,da bodo lahko morda nekoč nastopali skupaj z njimi in morda plesali v kakšnem izmed njihovih videospotov.
Kittie mi te pri tem seveda podpiramo in ti želimo veliko sreče!

A fan want to build a dance crew with cheer leading type moves, mixed with break dance, and other types of stunts. She is looking for partners who have knowledge in these fields, ans well as dancers to perform them to some of Tokio Hotel's remixes.
She live in Brantford, Ontario Canada (an hour from Toronto. And don't drive. So it helps a lot if interested parties could provide their own transportation.)
She want to post videos of the dances on Youtube and send copies to Tokio Hotel themselves in hopes they'll let the dance group perform live with them or in one of their videos.
If you want to be part of this sand her an E-mail on

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Welcome to official Tokio Hotel fanclub Slovenia!

Welcome to official Tokio Hotel fanclub Slovenia!

Upcoming events

3/11/17 - 16/11/17
Dream Machine tour - Encore Europe

2/2/18 - 3/3/18
Dream Machine tour - North America

By Tokio Hotel Slovenia. Zagotavlja Blogger.