POPCORN Voting (Poland)
Tokio Hotel so za nagrado “Microphone 2010″ revije Popcorn nominirani v treh kategorijah.
Glasujejo lahko sammo ljudje iz Poljske s tem,da pošljejo SMS na 72150. Torej,če ste iz Poljske glasujte zanje!!
Kategorije v katerih so nominirani:
“Foreign Artist” – Tokio Hotel
“Foreign Hit” – Hurricanes & Suns by Tokio Hotel
“Show of the year” – Tokio Hotel koncert v Lødzu

Tokio Hotel is nominated in three categories in the “Microphone 2010″ Awards from Popcorn magazine (Poland). Only the people from Poland can vote by sending a SMS at 72150. So if you are from this country, go and vote for them !
“Foreign Artist” – Tokio Hotel
“Foreign Hit” – Hurricanes & Suns by Tokio Hotel
“Show of the year” – Tokio Hotel concert in Lødz
Glasujejo lahko sammo ljudje iz Poljske s tem,da pošljejo SMS na 72150. Torej,če ste iz Poljske glasujte zanje!!
Kategorije v katerih so nominirani:
“Foreign Artist” – Tokio Hotel
“Foreign Hit” – Hurricanes & Suns by Tokio Hotel
“Show of the year” – Tokio Hotel koncert v Lødzu
Tokio Hotel is nominated in three categories in the “Microphone 2010″ Awards from Popcorn magazine (Poland). Only the people from Poland can vote by sending a SMS at 72150. So if you are from this country, go and vote for them !
“Foreign Artist” – Tokio Hotel
“Foreign Hit” – Hurricanes & Suns by Tokio Hotel
“Show of the year” – Tokio Hotel concert in Lødz
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