Gaga boy
Prejšnje leto smo lahko Billa videli na modni pisti za label Dsquared2 od Kanadskih dvojčkov Deana in Dana Catena, Dvojčka Caten sta kreirala tudi oderska oblačila za Tokio Hotel turnejo "Welcome To Humanoid City" in sedaj sta v intervjuju za DER STANDARD spregovorila nekaj malega o Billu...
DER STANDARD: Prejšnje leto je bil Bill Kaulit iz Tokio Hotela v vajinem šovu?
Caten-Twins: Najina tema je bila Rocky Horror Picture Show. On je kot moderen Frankenstein, kar je zelo dobro pristajalo k celotni temi najinega šova.
DER STANDARD: Lahko tudi Billa Kaulitza štejemo kot modno ikono?
Caten-Twins: Všeč nama je njegov pogum,da se oblači tako kot želi. On je neke vrste Gaga fant.

Last year Bill was on the catwalk for the label Dsquared2 from the Canadian twins Dean and Dan Caten, the Caten-Twins designed the stage clothes for Tokio Hotel's "Welcome To Humanoid City" Tour and now they spoke in an interview with DER STANDARD about Bill...
DER STANDARD: Last year, Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel was on your show. Good idea?
Caten-Twins: Our topic was the Rocky Horror Picture Show. He’s a modern Frankenstein, which just fit in well with the whole theme of our show.
DER STANDARD: Can Bill Kaulitz be considered a style icon for adults too?
Caten-Twins: We like his courage to dress and style the way he does. He's a kind of Boy Gaga.
DER STANDARD: Prejšnje leto je bil Bill Kaulit iz Tokio Hotela v vajinem šovu?
Caten-Twins: Najina tema je bila Rocky Horror Picture Show. On je kot moderen Frankenstein, kar je zelo dobro pristajalo k celotni temi najinega šova.
DER STANDARD: Lahko tudi Billa Kaulitza štejemo kot modno ikono?
Caten-Twins: Všeč nama je njegov pogum,da se oblači tako kot želi. On je neke vrste Gaga fant.

Last year Bill was on the catwalk for the label Dsquared2 from the Canadian twins Dean and Dan Caten, the Caten-Twins designed the stage clothes for Tokio Hotel's "Welcome To Humanoid City" Tour and now they spoke in an interview with DER STANDARD about Bill...
DER STANDARD: Last year, Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel was on your show. Good idea?
Caten-Twins: Our topic was the Rocky Horror Picture Show. He’s a modern Frankenstein, which just fit in well with the whole theme of our show.
DER STANDARD: Can Bill Kaulitz be considered a style icon for adults too?
Caten-Twins: We like his courage to dress and style the way he does. He's a kind of Boy Gaga.
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