sobota, 30. april 2016

Private listening session in L.A. 29.4.2016

*Please keep in mind, following text is according to the fans who attended the listening session. Don't take it too serious, since everything may not be 100% true.

First Billy listening session was at No name club, Fairfax Los Angeles, Friday, 29.4.2016. Around 70 fans attended the event (from France, Russia, Germany, Mexico, Amsterdam) along with Tom, Inglsh, Davis Factor (co-producer of ldbm), Mike Bastian (Bill's personal assistent), Shiro Gutzie, Shay and Alexandra Crandell (model in Love don't break me short film).

Fans received limited edition LDBM fine art photo books and were the first to hear full I'm not OK EP with Bill's presence. They also watched Love don't break me short-film, took selfies with Bill and got art books signed by Billy.
"You have plenty time to see the exhibit and look through your Billy - Ldbm fine art book. You can buy large prints that are in exhibit (price: 2700-4000 dollars). The order: You watch LDBM, Bill comes out for Q&A, then selfies and book signing." Tom was there too, he was wearing suit jacket, some fans bumped into him and he signed art book. The phones were not allowed in the event (only for selfies). Fan with traveling Tokio Hotel bracelet that M. Cohen designs and Tokio Hotel designed together and sold it for charity was also there.

- Bill said he couldn't bring Pumba (his dog) tonight.
- He loves Disclosure and Ellie Goulding.
- Fans asked about Latin America and he said he'll return to Mexico, he likes food there & Lat. American intense fans.
- He won't be at Coachella next year because he'll be on tour (some fans are saying "with the band", some that he didn't mentioned the band).
- He loves Coachella because of getting drunk, enjoying the music, feeling free with no one judging you.
- He would love to perform at Coachella, but only for one day so he can focus and enjoy the festival next two days.

- He would like to have a home in New York.
- He didn't want to release songs that are on I'm not OK as Tokio Hotel because it was HIS experience and he felt selfish releasing if with whole band.

- Recording was not so different from recording with the band since Tom helped him.
- He felt strange being on the stage alone for the first time.
- A fan noticed that his website was owned by Billy future corporation and asked if he was now getting his music business empire up and running and what was the vision for it:
- He said he was just using it for side projects for now and for things he wants to do in the future but an empire would be nice.
- Bill said having fans there means the world to him.
- A fan told him "stay fluffy my dear" (about his hair) and he said he will grow it out more.
- Fan said it was between going to Coachella and Billy listening session and she choose Billy. He responded with: "That was the better choice, thank you".

Before they played the EP, Bill said " Let's pretend that nothing happened, that no one heard anything yet" and fans told him that they didn't hear anything but he didn't believe them. Bill is in the room while you listen to EP and he introduces the songs. While listening he got seemingly timid, looking at his phone and asked the fans a lot if they liked the EP. Then it was time for selfies - no light, dim room and Bill sucks at taking selfies (lol). He also signs art book in front of you. The event was about 2 hours long. According to the staff, 100 people will attend each event in Europe in the next 2 weeks.

Special thanks to tokiohotelusa and other fans who shared their experience!
Pictures: All credits go to it's respectful owners!

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By Tokio Hotel Slovenia. Zagotavlja Blogger.