nedelja, 2. oktober 2016

Billy book launch party St.Petersburg | 1.10.2016

Q&A's from the last Billy LDBM book launch party in St. Petersburg.

Bill: Thank you all so much for coming out today, did you like the video? So the whole thing is gonna come out soon. It's a little preview, you're the second one to see it, the guys yesterday saw it too, but..alright should we start with the questions? You guys have some questions for me or no? Yes, who wants to be first?

Was there something particularly exciting while filming new videos? Any interesting or difficult moments?
Bill: I took dancing classes and learn choreography specially just for the video. As you saw, I didn't have any backup dancers, I was all alone on front of cameras, it was exciting but also difficult. It was a little scary and intimidating, but you know it had to happen. It was just the right time and the right songs.

Will you have after parties in Russia or Europe on the next tour?
Bill: We're not planning it right now, but there will be after parties for sure.

Bill, you're always so happy and radiant, you're probably with someone, it doesn't matter with who, but tell me, is that person younger or older than you?
Bill: I'm actually single, but I travel, I work, I got out and drink with my friends, this all makes me happy and inspires me.

Do your feelings associated with songs change compared to what you're feeling while writing the songs? (??)
Bill: Of course everything changed, that relationship was complicated, it's experience you can never forget.

Do you think your children will be musicians?
Bill: Pumba won't be a musician. No, but serious I can't imagine myself as a father. I don't know if I want kids or not. But it if happens, I'll support them no matter what they'll choose. Like my mother, she always gave me enough freedom for what I wanted to do and love. If I have kids, I'll do the same.

You're very fashionable and passionate about it. Do you want to have education in this field?
Bill: When I was young, I really wanted to!  I was sketching dresses when I was 7-8 years old. But now I realized,  I can do all that without special education.

Bill, you achieved a lot, as musician, in a band, as a solo artist and in fashion. In your opinion, what's your achievement as a person?
Bill: I'm not that type of person who analyzes each step and tells himself "good job Bill". Sometimes it happens that you do something and congratulate yourself. I'm not like that. For me, it's important to be me and to be proud of who I am, even if it's hard sometimes. It takes guts to be yourself.

How long have you been going to the gym?
Bill: Well, I was in a gym a few years ago...
You are lazy.
Bill: Yes, maybe I am.

Which Russian city do you like the most?
Bill: Moscow and St. Petersburg, that's why we organize m&g's here. But I like Russia in general, we want to do the whole tour again here. I like Ekatarinburg, Perm of course. I just like the mentality and sometimes people are a little rough and I like that too, it's interesting. and it's beautiful, like Sankt Petersburg is so fucking beautiful, it's so much history, cuz L.A doesn't have that much history so I just like cities that have that certain charm.

Would you like to live here?
Bill: Yes! In St. Petersburg.
No, here not!
Bill: Why not?
It's always raining.
Bill: Then I would like to be here for Christmas. I like it when it's cold on Christmas.

What would you like to change in your life?
Bill: Perhaps I would workout more, move here in St. Petersburg and stop drinking and smoking. But I'm happy with the way I am.

How tall are you?
Bill: 1.86 cm ( 6ft 1.22 inches)

Would you like to go back to your popular hairstyle from 2007?
Bill: No,see cuz I like to live life you know, moving forward and try new things. I feel everything has it's time. For that time, I was just who I was and what I wanted to do and now I'm pink and this is what I want to do now. I don't really look back on this stuff, I most likely won't do that again but it was right for that time. You gotta be true for yourself and do what feels right in that moment. You just keep changing. So I don't really look back, maybe I'll bring it back for Halloween.

Did you ever have sex on your first date?
Bill: I had one night stand before, when you just hook up with someone and take that person home. I did that before, but I'm not really into that. I know a lot of people say that but I'm really not into that. Cuz for me it's not for a feeling. So whenever you do that, when you're super drunk and don't want to go home alone, that happens to all of us. But I'm not into that.

In your opinion, what are five factors determining the success of your book?
Bill: Omg that's so hard to say! I don't know, it's something you guys have to tell! People always ask me "why you think your band is so successful?" I feel like the most important thing again is to be yourself and the creativity - do the things you really want to do, because if other people tell you what to do is just something it doesn't work out, specially not for me. If I feel I'm just a cash cow and someone is trying to force something on me and tells me what to do and how to be, I could never do that. You have to love your own work.

thcommunityvk + fan videos
Spanish translation by Alien_mia
English translation by Tokio Hotel Slo, marushaley

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